Sunday, September 28, 2014

This Monday

I had to be out of the classroom on Friday, because my daughter was in the hospital.  Unfortunately , I was already scheduled to go work at HPS this Monday, so the class will have a substitute again.  I will be back at GPS on Tuesday.  Don't forget, that class pictures will be this week.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me a message.  Hope you are all having a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Today In Second Grade

Today we celebrated international dot day in honor of the book "The Dot". We are one of thousands of classrooms all over the world celebrating “The Dot”.  We made our own dots and then we used ipad magic to make our dots come to life.  Ask your kids about it.  I think they had a great day.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mark your calendars!

AR Reader Instructions

At Back To School Night, parents were interested in seeing their child's AR goal and scores.  Students can not take quizzes at home, but you can see their goals and points.  

The link is

User name: student four digit number (their lunch number)
Password: abcd

You can click on email set up (top right hand corner).  If you fill this section out you can get email notifications every time your child takes a quiz.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Back to School Night

Back to School Night is this Thursday.  Can't wait to see you all there!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Please send a painting shirt to school this week.

This Wednesday we are going to experiment with paint transfer.  We will be using washable tempera paint.  Even though it says it washes out, it would be a good idea to send a old oversized shirt for them to wear over their uniform.

We could also use any old sponges you would like to donate.  Thank you!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

We love Wednesday!

This past week we have been working on understanding the setting in a story.  Today we went out and created our own settings and then we climbed into our pictures.  This is just a small sampling of some of the great things the students made today. I will work on getting them all edited and into a video this weekend.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Remember, we have no school next Monday!  The teachers will be hard at work, but the students have the day off.

Please don't forget to get those book orders in by this Friday.

Have a great week!