Saturday, August 27, 2016

What Student's Can Work On At Home

We will be going over our homework policy at Back To School Night. Basically, we don't send home homework packets.  Ms. Hill and I think that our students work very hard all day long.  We do not want to give them more to do at night.  We would much rather they spend that time playing with friends, having a family dinner, participating in a sport, and talking with their parents.

This is what we expect them to do each week at home:

  • Read 30 minutes each night.
  • Practice their math facts.
  • Study their spelling words. A spelling list is sent home on Mondays.  It has an optional word search attached. This does not have to be returned. 
If a student does not finish his work in class, or has something specific they need to work on, we will send that home as homework.

Something that they can also work on at home is learning how to spell their last name.  I have noticed that several of them do not know how to write their whole name.  That is something we will be working on over the next few weeks.

Book Orders

Book orders were sent home this week.  If you would like to place an order, please send it in with your child by September 2, 2016.