Monday, January 30, 2017

Lunch With The Principal

We had several second graders attend lunch with the principal this month. 
They had a great time eating, talking, and playing Twister with Mr. Dent. 

Read Across America

We are looking for parents to help out with Read Across America on March 1st.  Please let Ms. Hill or Mrs. Hudson know if you are available.

This Week's Spelling Words

All of our words are irregular plural nouns. That means they do not follow any of the plural noun spelling rules.

men (plural fo man)
children (plural for child)
women (plural for woman)
geese (plural for goose)
mice (plural for mouse)
fish (same plural or singular)
teeth (plural for tooth)
feet (plural for foot)
deer (same plural or singular)
sheep (same plural or singular)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

No Spelling Test This Week

Since we only have three days this week, we will not have a spelling test. If you feel the need to work on spelling at home, reviewing the plural spelling rules we have learned so far would be a great use of time. Have a great week!

Monday, January 9, 2017

This Week's Spelling Words

All of our words are plurals that would end in f or fe in singular form. There were a few typos on the list sent home. I had the kids correct them in class, but wanted to make sure I posted the corrections here too. The test will on Friday morning. These spelling rules are tricky, so please practice with your student at home this week.


Friday, January 6, 2017

Lost and Found

I have a bucket of coats in room 14.  It's getting cold out there, please stop by and see if you kiddo's coat is in the bucket by the door!

Next Week's Spelling Rule

Next week we will be practicing making nouns that end in "F" or "FE" plural. The rule is that if a noun ends in "F" or "FE" you drop those letters and add "VES" to make the noun plural.

This Week's Spelling Rule

When we have a noun that ends in "Y" there are spelling rules to follow to make that noun plural. This week we have been practicing theses rules.