Tuesday, May 9, 2017

This Weeks Spelling Words

This list is a review of plural spelling rules. The spelling test will be given on Friday, May 12th.

  1. students
  2. foxes
  3. bushes
  4. watches
  5. beaches
  6. classes
  7. books
  8. flashes
  9. animals

Monday, May 8, 2017

Field Trip

Our next field trip is a week from tomorrow.  We will we be going to the library and the police station. Please turn in your child's permission slips to Ms. Hill as soon as possible. We are still looking for parent volunteers! You know you all want to walk to the library with us!

Diorama Examples

Here are some examples of dioramas for you to get some inspiration, You can use anything in the diorama. Mostly, the goal is to show what they have learned in a creative way. Have fun!

Diorama Directions