Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The School Year Is Coming To An End

Wow, only 3 1/2 weeks of school left! I just wanted to take a minute and fill you in on some end of the year info.

This week will be our last week of homework packets.  Students will still be required to read for 30 minutes a night.  AR goals are still going on. You can contact Mrs. Minoza if you have any questions on where your student in in regards to AR.  We will also have our last spelling test this Friday!

There is no school this coming Monday or Monday, June 8th!  That means we only have one more Monday morning before vacation!

We will be spending a couple of days next week and the following week doing some end of the year testing.  I have to say, that we have been doing quite a lot of review this last month and I am extremely pleased at how well these future 3rd graders are doing.  They make me smile everyday.  You all should be very proud of the growth they have made this year.

Mrs. Minoza and I both have many books missing from our shelves.  If you could take a few minutes and look around your house for any books your child may have misplaced, we would love to get all of those books back in our libraries.

We are having a school wide birthday party for our volunteer reading therapy dog, Booker, on June 11th.  We need parent volunteers for this event.  If you have time to lend a hand, please contact Ms. Hill.

I will be sending out info for our end of the year party later this month.  We have so many fun things going on the next few weeks so I am still trying to figure out when we can fit that in.

Have a great long weekend and enjoy the last few weeks of having a second grader!

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